2024: Back in 1999, Oasis had just started their “Standing on the Shoulder of Giants” tour when they made a stop in Chicago for the Q101 Twisted X-Mas concert. I was Photo Editor for Rolling Stone.com at the time and so I had special access backstage, I was also moonlighting for a British website called DotMusic. It being a British site it focused on music that wasn’t on the radar in America, thus, I could do both with very little (if any) conflict.
Earlier in the evening I had placed a photo of Liam and a photo of Noel that I took back in ’97, out on the table that the radio station had setup for a variety of things to be signed.
I just happened to be in the wings when Liam walked up to sign and he stopped his tracks when he came to my photo. Liam can be very difficult to shoot, he stands at the mic with his hands behind his back and it’s not the most compelling moment to shoot. However, I took a shot that night at the Rosemont Horizon when he went to get a drink during a guitar solo, I caught his eye and he gave me the British “Up Yours” gesture. I thought it had energy and a edge to it. But when Liam stopped and stared, at what seemed like forever, I though “oh no, he hates it!” But seconds later he nodded his head, signed it and moved on, whew!
Later that night I was side stage watching Fiona Apple, when out of the blue Liam walks up to me. It was during her song “Shadow Boxer” when he leaned in and says, “I love this song”. That’s all I remember of the conversation other than the fact thinking I can understand every word he’s saying. Soon, we would get kicked out of the area and I remember as we walked out Billy Corgan trips over a few cables, Liam grabs my shoulder and we have a laugh over it.
Later after their set, I saw they were slowly heading to the bus, I ran and got my flash and walked up to Noel and asked if I could get a quick photo of the band. It was a new line-up with guitarist Gem Archer and bassist Andy Bell and I thought it would be a good shot for DotMusic. It being film, I took one frame and as they walked away, Liam took a look at me, nodded, patted me on the shoulder and walked off towards their bus.